Monday, August 13, 2007

Hamilton Pool

We recently went to Hamilton Pool, which I expected to be more of a pool like Deep Eddy, but I was happily surprised.

It is actually Hamilton Pool Preserve, which is basically a collapsed grotto with a waterfall about an hour or so south of our house. Here you can read more facts, such as the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department noting it as Travis County's most significant natural area.

After a .25 mile (!) hike down some pretty rugged terrain you see a small beach and the pool stretches out from that. I'm not sure how deep it gets, but it is over my head at less than halfway across. Directly across from the beach is a waterfall that apparently never stops flowing, even in times of drought. What enchantment is this?

If you want to take a break from swimming, you can walk around the pool in the rock caverns, and there is a walkway that circles the pool. Pictures can't really do it justice - it's pretty amazing.

Be warned though - I wouldn't advise carrying a bunch of umbrellas, coolers or other stuff. It's quiet a hike down. A tired three-year-old was a pretty good workout!


Michael said...

Man that looks amazing! How come I've never heard of this place when I lived there!?!?! My kids would have loved it!

How was the water temp wise?

Anonymous said...

I had heard of it when i lived there but never went.

will rectify that when i move back! E LOVES to swim!


Trey said...


The water was pretty cool, but not too cold. It took my breath away for a few seconds once I jumped in to my neck, but not too bad after that!

Anonymous said...

Nice Pic. You doing doctor work on the side these days... ;-)


Trey said...

Well, I needed a picture, stat, so....

Michael said...

Oh and... this might be a silly questiong but... did it cost anything to get in?

Also... did you go solo? No pics of the wife and kids?


Anonymous said...

Trey Solo...hmmm I think not...although I am not sure why there are no pics of the kids and wife...maybe he needed time alone!


Trey said...


$8 per car for admission. I was there with the family, but I usually don't put pictures of them on here - you never know who's reading it!

Trey said...

I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

Good call!


Michael said...

WTF!?!? What were the odds??? LOL!